Thursday, November 17, 2011


Hello, Everyone!

My name is Katie, and I am 20 years old. I have been dreaming of study abroad for a very long time. I have pretty much driven my family to madness with all of my study abroad ramblings. It seems like everyday I would pick a different country to study abroad in. I am happy to say that I have picked a country, and I have been accepted into a program.

I will be studying in Lancaster, England. My Nana was born about an hour away from my host university. I am very excited to see her hometown and meet some of my relatives! 

Today, I booked my flights. I will be leaving January 6th at 10:00 PM. I will be arriving in London at 10:15 AM the next day. I will spend a weekend in London for an orientation of sorts. After orientation, I will be taking a train to Lancaster. I will be returning home on June 30th, and I will be landing at 3:20 PM. 

So excited! But I'm also really nervous. 

I will be documenting my adventures in this blog. :)